Thursday, 17 June 2010

Then this .

&This .

A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY: No one though , but i made someone angry (:

B - is for BEER you prefer: Nah . 

C - is for do you have a CAT? NO WAY .

D - is for can you DANCE? No .

E - is for do you have your EARS pierced? Sadly no . ):

F - is for your best FRIEND? Hmms .

G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon? No .

H - is for the last person who HUGGED you? My Scrump (:

I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see? Light . lol .

J - is for have you ever been to JAIL? No ?

K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE? When i was 2 .

L - is for your first LOVE: Huh .

M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got? I hardly get mail , frankly speaking . 

N - is for do you remember NERF guns? Yeah , retarded stuff . 

O - is for do you OWN a car? Toy car .

P - is for your favorite PASTTIME? Sleeping .

Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET? Yeah .

R - is for do you like the color RED? Not really .

S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function?: At least 8 .

T - is for what TIME is it? 7.30pm .

U - is for what is UNDER your bed? Er ... monster .

V - is for what you did last VALENTINES day: I spent it alone .

W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER? Not really .

X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY? Yeah .

Y - is for the last person you YELLED at? No one .

Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO? No .


Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? Anyone . 

Name one thing you absolutely can not stand: Errrrrrrrr , fat girls with those kind of baby voice & retarded people . 

Where do you spend most of your time? Home , -.- , Sad right . 

What is the longest amount of time you’ve been awake? 24 hours .

What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week? Just chill , no fear .

Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone? Yeah .

Name one thing you’ve lied about recently. I forgot , lol .

What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? JU-ON .

Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? Frankly , no one ever gave me flowers .

Then this .
Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? Hmms , idk .

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Nobody . Actually i forgot . 

Waiting for something? My present from Xiuping . (:

Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you? Gsteads , but hoping not anymore . 

You never know what you got until you lose it? True or false? True true true .

Do you want to see somebody right now? Anyone . 

Are you happy? For now , yes :) 

Is any part of you sad at all? Er no ?

Would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $150? Hell no.

In 4 months, how old will you be? Lucky 13 . (:

How are you feeling at this moment? Kinda tired .

What made you laugh last? Venice (:

Are you drunk? Negative .

Have you ever kissed a blonde-haired, blue-eyes person? No . 

Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 10 days? Nope . 

If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? Million $$$ . Hands down .

Where will you be 2 hours from now? Sleeping .

What’s bothering you right now? Nothing actually . 

Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? Yeah , alot . 

Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? Yeah :)

Your best friend tells you, “you have a drug problem”, you say? Wtv .

Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Pretty sure EVERYONE does it.

What was the first thing you did this morning? On my phone (:

Is it possible to be single and happy? Yes . But being in love is sweet .

Do you have strange dreams? Sometimes .

What’s more important In a relationship, trust or happiness? Trust , you cannot have happiness without it .

What time did you go to bed last night? 12pm .

Did you accept or deny your last friend request? Denied .

Did you speak to your father today? Yeah . 

What do you think about the weather? Hot ..

Are you ticklish? Not . 

Who’s car were you in last? Dad's car .

What was the last thing you drank? Water . 

Have you kissed the last person you texted? Nope .

Does that person want to kiss you? Don’t think so .

Are you single? Yes . 

Do you want to be single? Yes , for now . 

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